Will funds will be used to cover expenses of specific parishes, specific parish schools, or specific priests?
The Laity in Unity Foundation is dedicated to providing all Catholics with an opportunity to tithe through what we call a Pure Donation. Donors are asked to designate a specific parish, parish school or priest to support. We track all donations as designated, so that we can allocate funds as the donor wishes. The IRS requires that we maintain control over any donated funds, so in order to comply with IRS regulations, we reserve the right to control the funds and apply funds appropriately.
Which parishes, parish schools and priests will be entitled to request reimbursement of expenses?
Any Catholic parish, parish school, or priest can request a distribution if they have funds donated on their behalf.
What percentage (if any) of amounts donated can be used to cover expenses of operating the foundation itself, such as website maintenance, external financial audits, fundraising, etc?
As a new non-profit foundation, we are keeping our administrative expenses to a minimum. Founders donated funds to cover our start up legal fees. Some donors also donate regularly to our General Fund to cover administrative costs. Currently, our administrative expenses are minimal and we have dedicated volunteers running the foundation and using their talents to move our Church forward and advocate for transparency in tithing.
How will the foundation coordinate its activities with finance committees of parishes and parish schools that are responsible for setting budgets and approving expenditures?
We are more than happy to work with finance committees to pay invoices and keep Catholic Tithing local! We notify the parish, school or priest that funds are available and request invoices or requests for purchases that they have for Laity in Unity to pay. We pay those invoices directly for them.
Why won’t distributions from the foundation be treated as revenue by parishes and parish schools? If so, won’t the diocese get its normal share of parish revenue, which averages around 13% nationwide?
Parishes submit invoices or requests for purchases directly to us for payment. Funds are never given directly to the parishes, but used to pay invoices to their Vendors by the Foundation.
Who determines what expenses are legitimate and what criteria is used?
All invoices and requests are vetted by the Foundation board of directors and must be approved by the board for payment.
Is there a list of examples of expenses that are and are not reimbursable?
Each request is considered separately and must meet our purpose as outlined in our bylaws and IRS non-profit application.
For example, can funds be used to reimburse travel, entertainment and dining expenses?
If the request fits into our purpose statement shown above, then we will consider the invoice for payment.
How will requests be prioritized if expenses exceed available funds?
The parish would prioritize their requests and we will pay as funds are available.
Will the bishop receive any of the money that I donate?
Our mission is to support the individual parishes and priests, not the diocese. Keep donations local.
Will the parish know who is donating and how much money?
We do not share donor information with the parish as some donors wish to remain anonymous. We recommend that you let your pastor know that you are supporting the parish through the Laity in Unity. We also have donor cards that you can complete and put in the collection basket to notify your parish of your donation.
My pastor has stated that he will not accept any funds from the Laity in Unity Foundation. How can I make sure my donation goes to my parish?
We don’t understand how a pastor can turn down financial assistance for his parish. Our purpose is not to take funds away from a parish, but to get parishioners that have stopped donation to donate through us, so their donation is a Pure Donation and not spent on diocesan expenses that you don’t agree with. If your pastor has notified you that he will not accept our help, please contact us. We will be happy to work with your pastor to educate him on our mission.
How are the president of the foundation and other officers selected and how long do they serve? What are their roles and responsibilities?
The foundation’s Officers hold a particular office for an indefinite term, until a successor is appointed by the Board.
The President is the chief executive officer of the foundation and shall, subject to the control of the Board of Directors, supervise and control the affairs of the foundation and the activities of the officers. He or she shall perform all duties incident to his or her office and such other duties as may be required by law, by the Articles of Incorporation of the foundation, or by the Bylaws, or which may be prescribed from time to time by the Board of Directors. Unless another person is specifically appointed as Chairman of the Board of Directors, he or she shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors.
The foundation has the following officers, appointed by the Board:
President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
The foundation may have the following additional officers, appointed by the Board:
One or more Vice-Presidents, and Executive Director.
How are board members selected and how long do they serve? What are their roles and responsibilities?
The initial board members volunteered and founded the organization. Additional board members will be added. Board members must be practicing Catholics and must pass a background check. It is our goal that the board be diverse and represent parishes throughout the Fort Worth Diocese.
Each Director of the Foundation will serve an indefinite term of years. Vacancies on the Board of Directors shall be filled by appointment.
Board members will guide the foundation in all activities and will serve as fiduciaries of any funds donated. Board members will be responsible for approving all expenditures. Board members will also oversee the Executive Director, who has responsibility for day to day operations.
Board members shall not receive salaries for their services. However, actual and reasonable expenses incurred in the performance of their duties may be reimbursed.